About Us
We are Prophetic Intercessors in the Jesus Nation believing in the transformational power of strategic prayer to deploy the hand of God to strengthen the Body of Christ and through prophetic intercessory prayer, to bring restoration to people and nations, globally.
By empowering believers with wisdom, knowledge and revelation of the dimensions within spiritual warfare prayers; lives can be supernaturally realigned with the original plans and purposes of God, through deliverance, healing, and the prophetic.
Our prayer mandate drives our mission to share the message of Christ and be a catalyst for the revival of prayer into the culture of our nations and resource those in need through outreach missions.
Our Vision
To dominate the spiritual atmosphere with strategic intercessory prayer for people and nations by globally equipping, activating and deploying Kingdom and Corporate Leaders and people for the end-time revival and pursue transformation by the Spirit of God, for people held in captivity.
Our Mission
To create a global network of World, Kingdom and Corporate Leaders and people to be equipped and engaged in continual strategic prayer to empower nations and strengthen families whilst compassionately giving to build sustainable futures for people held in captivity physically, emotionally or spiritually to fulfil the mandate of God.